Sea of grayness
Covers coastal beaches,
In solitude I walk through mist

by Cheryl Ellen Baxter ©          


Do you ever feel that you need to just go away and be by yourself for a little while? Life gets difficult sometimes and instead of running to God, we end up running to others, the things that we've acquired, or the tasks that occupy our minds and actions.

Inwardly we know that things or people can never satisfy our inner longing for God, yet often that's where we turn. HE gifts us with people who love us and others who don't...but the first need that we have is fellowship and intimacy with God himself. For me, there are times when I need to get away from my daily routines and commune with God to be renewed. One of my favorite ways to do this is walking along the beach. -- Cheryl
Psalm 3:3 -- But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head.