Divinely appointed from heaven above, the
SON of God shined bright in love and light...
Stepped out of eternity into space and time
The bright morning star, a new paradigm, for
God came as a helpless holy child...subject
To decay, death and sin because of one man
Adam, who disobeyed...so havoc, destruction,
And chaos reigned, separating God and man,
Yet from start to finish there was always a
Plan to bring redemption by the Creator to his
Created beings, through a baby born of virgin
Birth, Messiah God would come to earth as
The scriptures tell, bringing reconciliation out
Of the root and offspring of David, he'd be
Born without blemish in Bethlehem, the Lamb
Who was slain, on him the debt of sin was laid
Once for all the price was paid by the perfect
One, shedding his blood, cleansing all who'd
Humble themselves and come, JESUS the
Only way back to God...Mary's baby, God's Son.
by Cheryl Ellen Baxter ©