We make music in our hearts as
We sing our Savior's praise, he is
The King of Kings throughout the
Days and coming age, deserving
Adoration...a glorious celebration,
We lift our voices high to him who
Wears a diadem and is seated on
The throne, no one ever comes to
Him unless they come alone, bare,
And self abased, repenting of their's for the whole human race
He died, and in him we're forgiven,
It was settled long ago as mankind
Sinned, the plan was set in motion
That the Savior would be born into
Man's fallenness, his blood could be
Applied, redemption would be free
As payment for all who'd trust him,
HE is the everlasting hope, lift your
Voices, sing hosanna, hosanna, sing
Hosanna to the KING of Kings, He is
My all in all, I praise him, praise him, I
Praise him, let's let all our voices ring,
Hallelujah, hallelujah, sing to the KING.
by Cheryl Ellen Baxter ©