Fallen, broken man without hope, the
Holy Spirit moved like the wind, wooing
Me to open myself in unknown waters...
Charted long before my eyes were
Formed, the words of God said "Before
You were born I saw you in your mother's
Womb," and again "Before the foundations
Of the world were laid, I predestined you to
Be conformed to my own image, without
Blemish in Him." Though I was scared, lost,
And alone he called my name, and then I
Responded to his gentle nudges by resisting
Until I felt a firmer tug within my soul, from
The One I did not know who continued to show
Himself until I relented, his joy came flooding
Over me, my soul had been set free and the
Bonds that were shackled fell off, my soul was
Freed from life's affairs no longer bound, and
Saved by grace, belief in the One who took my
Place, my heart sang out in jubilee that God my
LORD had transformed me, by grace, the one
Chosen to salvation in the Spirit, truth would
Loudly praise the stalwart Christ, that every
Knee would bow and every tongue confess
Him as the Son of God, in holy righteousness
He'll always be my Lord, my Omnipotent King,
He is the One who created everything, out of
Darkness into his light, my way was cleared,
No more flight, my narrow path is sure along
Life's way, from sin and separation, came a
Great celebration as the opened door let him in,
My path secured along heaven's road, the way to
Life, I'm almost home, through Jesus Christ and
Him alone!
by Cheryl Ellen Baxter ©