Your eyes are closed, while ya walk around
In slumber, no wonder you are deceived, ya
Do as ya please and the world spins out of
Control, ya say "I don't care as long as I can
Do what I do, it doesn't concern you so mind
Your own business, it's my life...get outta my
Way okay, cause ya get in my way I'll slay ya
With my tongue or sword it don't matter none,
I said outta my way or I'll slay ya with my gun,
Or knife, loads of coke or some other dope, got
My stash of cash and do what I please, it's all
That I need, so what if you bleed, cause I do
What I want...I'll slay ya or betray ya, don't try
To stop me, it don't matter none and I don't
Care what you think, I'm on the brink of a big
Deal, doing what I please, ya don't frighten me,
So just let me be, and I'll do what I want to do!"
So the world continues outta control, do ya
Think about how life quickly passes, or what
Ya have to show for in the end, the next life's
Not run by cash, or gold, or fortunes untold...
When this temporary life fades away there's
A price to be paid, if ya didn't trust in Christ,
You can't drive away in your Maserati, Ferrari,
Buggati, Rolls Royce, ya haven't got a choice,
Once ya die, you're gonna fly or descend, it'll
Depend on what you've done before ya died,
No place to hide from the ONE who's coming
Back, his name is Jesus Christ the Son...King
Of the world, Messiah and Redeemer, paid the
Price for sin, ya ain't gonna win cause once ya
Dead, there won't be a chance to
Awaken from your slumber, as the Savior's
Calling you to come, O sinner come home.
by Cheryl Ellen Baxter ©